By-Laws of The Celebrators
By-Laws amended October 4, 2017
These By-Laws of The Celebrators in Celebration, Florida have been amended and restated in their entirety by a two-thirds vote of the Members present at a regularly designated monthly meeting. The undersigned members of the Executive Committee of The Celebrators, a majority of whom are citizens of the United States, desiring to form an unincorporated association, with the approval of the Members, do hereby adopt these amended By-Laws on this 4th day of October, 2017, as follows:
Article I
Formation, Name, Purpose and Objectives
Section 1 – Formation
These By-Laws shall be the founding document of The Celebrators. The Celebrators is an unincorporated association formed under the laws of the State of Florida by the adoption and execution of this document by two or more persons.
Section 2 – Name
The name of this social organization is: The Celebrators. It is a not-for-profit unincorporated association in Celebration.
Section 3 – Purpose, Mission and Objectives
(a) The purpose and intent of The Celebrators is to provide fellowship and comradeship for the senior residents living in Celebration. The organization is committed to furthering and fostering the philosophy of Celebration through education, lifelong learning, volunteer service and recreational activities. The Celebrators may serve as Advocates for Senior Citizen Rights in Celebration.
(b) The Celebrators is a social club within the meaning and intent of Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code. The club is organized for pleasure, recreation and other similar nonprofitable purposes and substantially all of its activities are for these purposes. Discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, or religion is prohibited.
Article II
Section 1 – Membership
- Eligibility for membership – All Celebration residents, 50 years or older (spouse may be younger) are eligible for membership in The Celebrators.
- Residents may apply for membership through any officer of the organization.
- Annual dues of $15.00 per person will be used to help defray the incidental expenses of the organization. (Members 85 years of age or older shall have their dues waived.)
- Each member is entitled to one vote on any matter brought before the membership at a duly called monthly meeting.
Article III
Meetings of the Membership
Section 1-
There will be a meeting of The Celebrators each month on the first Wednesday of each Month (or whatever date is agreed upon by the members)
Section 2 –
In addition to the duly called monthly meetings, other activities may take various forms, such as breakfasts, lunches, trips, lake-side gatherings, picnics and/or activities with other Senior Organizations in the County and/or State.
Section 3 –
An Annual Meeting shall be held on the first Wednesday of December, each year, for the purpose of electing officers and members of the Executive Committee for the ensuing year, to hear Annual Reports, and to transact such other business as may come before the organization.
Section 4 –
Special Meetings of The Celebrators and/or committees thereof (see below) may be called by the President or Chair-person upon a 7 day notice to the membership via email.
Article IV
Officers, Executive Committee and Committees
Section 1 –
At the monthly meetings in October and November the membership will be asked for volunteers to serve on the Executive Committee. The four offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer must be held by full time residents of Celebration. At the annual meeting in December, members of the Executive Committee will be elected as necessary to form a committee with a minimum of 5 members, whose purpose shall be to oversee the continued functioning of the organization’s purpose, mission and objectives.
Section 2 –
The executive committee members shall serve for an initial term of two years. If no one is found after a two year term and the current person in the office is willing to remain, an exception will be made to allow additional one year terms if approved by the membership.
Section 3 –
The Executive Committee will meet prior to the regular monthly meeting.
Section 4 –
The Executive Committee will consist of the following chairpersons to assure the efficient operation of the organization: Chairman (President), Vice-Chairman (Vice President), Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director and other positions on the Executive Committee as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
Section 5 –
The President presides over all meetings.
The Vice President will serve in the absence of the President.
The Secretary will document minutes of each meeting, regular monthly meetings and Executive Committee Meetings. The Secretary and/or Membership Director will email members as needed.
The Membership Director will maintain a record of all members and collect dues.
The Treasurer will be responsible for all moneys received and for reporting of such funds to the organization.
Article V
Section 1 –
The Order of Business and/or Agendas for meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee
Article VI
The Fiscal Year
Section 1-
For accounting purposes, the Fiscal Year shall be the Calendar Year ending December 31st.
Article VII
Section 1 –
These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Members present at a regularly designated monthly meeting. Notice of Amendment changes should be given at the previous month’s meeting with a vote designated at the next month’s meeting.
Article VIII
Upon the dissolution of The Celebrators, any remaining assets shall be distributed or donated to an organization for exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as determined by a vote of the membership..
Article IX
These amended and restated by-laws were adopted by vote of the Members and signed by the Executive Committee as of the 4th day of October, 2017.